" Todo empieza desde las raíces"
Av. Balta Nro. 2158 - Chiclayo
Lun-Vier: 09:00 - 17:00
06 Feb 2016
Agronoticias Peru

Arno Liebmann en Agronoticias

La revista Agronoticias resalto con una nota especial la participación del Ing. Arno Liebmann representante en todo Latinoamerica de Stender Ag. empresa que produce las mejores turbas y substratos en el mercado.

22 Oct 2015
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We Won The ‘Best Landscaper Company’ Award

Yesterday we were awarded with the ‘Best Landscaper Of The Country’ award. These award of excellence were awarded for projects we designed and installed. This awards reflect our commitment to creative design, ongoing excellence in engineering, and our ability to produce beautiful and functional outdoor living spaces of which people are proud.

15 Oct 2015
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What You Can Grow In Shady Spaces

All shade is not equal. Some shady conditions will yield much more produce than others will, while some areas are better left for hostas and moss. Gardeners should be familiar with the different types of shade, but should also keep in mind that measuring how much shade your garden gets isn’t always easy.